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“Valar morghulis” All men must die, “Valar Dohaeris” All men must serve.
You must be wondering why I started with these quite infamous quotes from Game of Thrones, then well, this is one series which definitely teaches you one lesson. The world is a stage of “survival of the fittest”, and the fastest. But yes, there are other ways of gaining power too, apart from death. The world is not all sweets and strawberries, as there is bitterness and competition that threatens to behead you at your weakest. So here we are, giving you some quick survival tips, for everyday life.
If you don’t want to spend too much on groceries, go there after a heavy meal. You will only pick what you want.

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If you feel undermined, maybe you have put someone in a precarious position above you, where they can only look down upon you. Don’t be so deep into the inferiority complex. Risen yourself.

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In a formal party, use your left hand to hold your drink. Why, you ask? Well, you might be needing your right hand to shake many important hands. Keep it dry and warm.

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While purchasing things online, be it cosmetics, or gadgets, or books, always check reviews. For cosmetics, check reviews that have real swatches, specially makeup items. For gadgets, check YouTube channels of reviewers. That will make you the smart buyer, and enable you to have worth for your buck.

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There is a way in which you can extend the trial version of softwares on your system. Just push back the date on your PC. Tadaa!

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You can easily recognize if a person is lying to you. If they use hand gestures, they are speaking the truth. If still, it is a lie, if not whole, then to some extent.

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If you love someone and your parents know about him or her, do not discuss his or her faults with them. You might love them the way they are, but your parents will judge the person, making it difficult for you, in future.

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Carry a few items with you every day; Nail cutter, band aid, a knife for safety, pepper spray (for girls), a flashlight cum portable charger for instances when your battery gives out, a packet of biscuits or any dry snack.

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If you have a presentation the next day, try a live version of it today, standing in front of the mirror. You would know what are the points you might forget, and make cheat cards to refer. The main one would be a smooth ride then.

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Talking to yourself actually makes you smarter

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It’s a rough world out there. Be smart and take it heads on, to make it all sweet for you.