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Dubai Job Salaries by Categories
In Dubai, salaries are paid in UAE dirhams – AED – and the amount are dependable on qualifications, experience, employment history, employee nationality and other factors.
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Here are some relevant examples for average monthly salaries in Dubai, as they are on specific categories:
- Factory and Manufacturing – 16,000 AED /month
- Legal – 30,250 AED /month
- Real Estate / Management – 31,668 AED /month
- Sales – [14,438 – 30,000] AED /month
- Administration / Reception / Secretarial – 7,992 AED /month
- Marketing – [17,200 – 20,492] AED /month
- Engineer – [17,000 – 110,000] AED /month
Protecting Workers in Dubai
The workers in Dubai are protected by the Labor Law, which is a federal legislation that is applicable to all emirates of the UAE to all staff and employees who work in the Emirates, regardless of whether they are nationals or expatriates.
The Labor Law covers all the aspects that regard the relationships between employer and employees and they include employment contracts, maintenance of files and records, restrictions on employment of women and juveniles, discipline codes, end-of-service benefits, termination of employment contracts, labor inspections, injuries and fatalities, penalties and accidents related to employment and compensation for occupational diseases.
There are no minimum and maximum wages or standardized salaries in Dubai, so that the basic salary is typically the one negotiated and stipulated in the labor contract. This also means that your negotiation skills are also very important, as they can widely influence your salary, alongside with other factors.