Saturday , July 27 2024

Check your purchased apps from MAC app store (Method)

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Do you want to check purchased apps rom MAC app store? or How many apps you have purchased from MAC store, then read this post till last.Most of users are facing this problem that they have purchased many apps from mac store but after a hard reset, they sometime forgot that which apps they had bought and the money which he has invested in that app is wasted.

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This method comes handy when you want to explore which apps you had bought in past which is not installed in your Macbook currently.

How to check purchased apps from Mac app store

SO, to check in which apps you have invested your money, Simply check out this method below.

  • First step is to open Apple Mac App store.
  • From Apple Mac Store options, Simply Click on Purchases Tab.

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  • view purchased apps in mac
  • Voila! List of all apps which you have purchased from MAC store is in front of your eyes.
  • By Default, These list of apps are sorted in order of Payment date.
  • So that the plugin which you have bought recently will be on top.

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How to check which apps is installed which we had bought?

  • Simply, Hover your mouse over Application Name.

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check purchased apps installed or not

  • If, that app is already installed then it will show Open, otherwise It will show an option to install the app.
  • So, It was all about Checking which paid apps are installed in your MAC.

Also see: Best apps to trace location of mobile


So, It was all about How to view your purchased apps from MAC store. You can use this method to find apps which you had bought in past but is not installed in your MAC any more. This method is exclusively shared here on special request of Dreamy Tricks users.

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If you find any kind of problem in this method then Drop a comment below. You can also share this post with your friends as well as relatives using social sharing buttons.


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