Dandruff solutions

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Dandruff is something we all struggle from. These are white spore like structures that are produced on the hair scalp.

The main reason for the dandruff production is the activity of fungi on the scalp. Most of the dandruff problems arise due to the dry scalp. There are fungus like yeast which produces white spores in the head due to their activity. Today we are going to discuss some home remedies that can cure dandruff easily without any trouble. Watch it and share it for others.

This is one of the most effective natural remedy. The biggest advantage of this treatment is that it have absolutely no side effects. The treatment we are mentioning here is by the usage of neem leaves. Neem leaves are something we find in our localities. Take some fresh neem leaves and wash it well to remove dust. Boil a pot of water and put in the neem leaves in it. Use the solution to wash your hair. For best results make the solution everyday and Use it. Don’t use yesterday’s solution for the next day. Also don’t keep the solution in fridge. The results can be clearly seen from a week. Use this for two months and get rid of dandruff from head.

Tablet aspirin also have anti dandruff properties. Baking soda can also be used to remove dandruff from head. Rub a small quantity of baking soda in your head. Don’t shampoo it and go for rinsing directly.

Wash throughout after rinsing. You can see yourself getting fed from dandruff. Use this technique once or twice in a week. Another method is by applying coconut oil. Apply some coconut oil in scalp and rub it very well. Sit for a hour and wash your hair.


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