Saturday , July 27 2024

Different & Interesting Ways to Make Money as a Travel Writer

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Yep! You can make money while having fun on the beaches of Goa or Thailand. In fact travel junkies are living a good life only being travel writer or blogger.

Travel and hospitality industry around the world including accommodation, transportation has a market share of over $2 trillion dollars. India’s travel industry accounts for over $20 billion.

Therefore there is lot of money to be made by both big players as well as small players alike. Small players are writers like you who want to write because there are a lot of readers interested in reading about travelling.

make money travel writer

So in this article we tell you how you can get started as a travel writer and some of the ways you can make money by your writings.

Let us divide this article in two parts. First part is how you get to discover your passion for travelling and establishing yourself online.

Second part is about different ways you can make money being a travel junkie.

How to become a travel writer

Passion for Travelling

First you need passion for travelling. You cannot be a travel blogger or a writer without going out to places you have never being to.

I mean to say you cannot be a travel writer sitting in a room and imagining all sorts of thing. Travelling cannot be like fiction writing that you can imagine hills, rivers and forests and write an article on it.

You have to have passion for travelling only then you could be a travel writer. So discover your passion as soon as possible.

Start a Blog with Your Portfolio

Now you have to launch yourself to the world. The best way to do is creating a website with your bio data.

Initially you don’t have to bother about creating content. You can start with creating a website having your brief biography, your travel schedule and few embedded YouTube videos.

This would be enough for a beginner. Later on you have established yourself and build a following you can start creating content on daily basis.

Like writing articles, sharing photos and videos etc. However for now just put up a portfolio.

Develop Your Travelling Niche

You need to stand out from the rest. Today there are hundreds of travel writers in India online and offline.

Why do people read your blog when there are hundreds well established bloggers and writers? Hence you need to establish yourself for a while by nurturing your niche.

Your content must be unique and original. Whether your writings, photos or videos it must attract the eye balls of readers.

You can share your experience right from booking a ticket, packing your luggage, different places to visit in a particular city, smart tips to save money & time while travelling, restaurants with good food & many other things.

Therefore you have to create a niche which is different than others. Tell your story and develop a narrative.

Creating Unique and Interesting Content

This would not be as easy as it sounds. Your success as a travel writer depends upon creating unique and interesting content.

Whether you write and upload videos online or write for a magazine or a newspaper or you are hosting a program on a television set.

There is no short cut to it. IF you have to succeed making money as a travel writer or a blogger then come up with something original.

And that can happen only when you are passionate about travelling and writing as well.

Engage Online and Offline by Building a Network

Here I am talking of building a network where you know about other travel writers, photographers, publishers, travel journalists etc.

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You cannot succeed in writing business if you don’t know people who are in the game.

As a novice travel writer you don’t know anything so you need some guidance and even inspiration from fellow writers and journalists.

If you are online then follow them on twitter or Facebook. You need to attend seminar, events, workshops, conferences where these guys meet up.

After you have established you online and offline now it’s time to make money. You can generate income from different channels.

How to make money as a travel writer

Hence we shall discuss ways you can make money being a travel writer.

Direct Advertising and Selling Your Own Products

The first thing you can do is start a blog online with ads running on them. The advertising network available online is Google Adsense. sell travel guide

If you are getting 500 to 1000 views daily then you can get approval from Google AdSense for an Adsense account.

You get clicks and make up to 50 cents for one click. As a beginner you can easily make $5 to $10 daily. Later you can increase your traffic and make more money from AdSense.

You can also sell your own products like eBooks. Create a travelling guide or manual and sell it online for just $1 or $2. You can do it through emailing or affiliate marketing. That’s it.

Columns for Newspaper and Travelling Magazines

Second way to make money is writing columns for newspaper and travel magazines.

Well this would not be easy because before you are allowed to write, they may ask you for experience. write for newspaper

Hence your blog might come in handy. If you are running a blog with 5000 to 7000 visitors daily with an Adsense income of over $1000 monthly then they might allow writing a column in top newspaper of the country.

Though you can write for travelling magazine for both online and offline versions.

Every year hundreds of magazines are launched. You can write for both versions.

Speaking Engagements and Consulting/Editors

Business conferences, events, seminars need people who can speak something related to speaking engagements travelling. If you are an established writer with credentials then you could give a speech and get paid.

For a speech you could be paid from Rs 10,000/- to Rs 1000,000/-. So money is great but you need experience.

You can also start consulting travel companies or other people who want to make career in traveling industry. There is no dearth of client looking for consultation pertaining travel issues.

Write for TV Shows

There is another way to make money by writing for TV shows. Every year so many travelling channels are launched around the world. write_for_tv_shows

In order to succeed these channels need to create new and entertaining travelling shows. And for that they need writers like you.

You can write or narrate a whole story for a television show. The money you make is huge.

This should be your dream and ultimate goal, being a travel writer for a TV show. However you need to work your way up.

Sell your photos online

Do you know there is a great demand for good photos online. And there is no better person than a travel writer to click quality photos of different people & from different places. Only thing you need to learn is some photography tricks.

There are number of websites where you can sell your photos & earn a good commission online whenever someone purchase your photos. You can sell same photos to multiple customers.

So these were few ways you can make money being a travel writer. But before you think of making money first you need to establish yourself as a writer.

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