Saturday , July 27 2024

How safe is Dubai?

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Know the security basics in Dubai

Like any other country, Dubai has its own security challenges, but it is not as high as been observed in many other countries in the world. To be security conscious is a wise idea.

Recently the western governments have issued a warning that Dubai, because of its economic stability and a suitable place for tourism, is vulnerable to terrorism attack. They warned that people should be vigilant in visiting places such as hotels, shopping mall, sports gathering, restaurants, etc. however, the local dwellers does not seem to believe that Dubai is vulnerable to target attacks because the country has not experience any serious concern about security.

The UAE are ranked n°5 of the safest countries by

Security concern for women and children in Dubai

Dubai has been known to be a quiet peaceful place; however there are lots of cases women fall into, especially foreigners. It is important to know that female travelers are vulnerable to sexual attack, and the main concern is that the woman under this sexual attack might be convicted for adultery unless if there are witnesses around the scene or the attacker confessed it himself.

This has brought so many contentions around the world about the law of the land. On the children part, the safety of children in Dubai is of no great concern because they are considered as the minor group in the society, but adequate measures should be taking to ensure that your child doesn’t messed around. Always keep tabs on your children, and knowing their whereabouts so as to avoid any possible danger that may befall them.

Tips: Check our list of Dubai official websites for more info !

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In recent years a Norwegian business woman was raped in Dubai, and also sentenced to jail for having sex outside marriage as reported by the The decision from the Dubai authority does not consider the situation of that lady but went ahead to jailed her claiming she has committed adultery. This has brought lots of security concern for foreigners who have lots of questions for their safety. The main concern is that even if these foreign women report cases of been raped, the police authority would termed it that they have committed adultery and then prosecute them.

Therefore women are advised to be vigilant in places they visit in Dubai so that they don’t fall victim of rape or other social attack.

Security concern for men

It is advised that all tourists should take note and abide by the local laws and customs in Dubai in order to avoid security challenges and other unhealthy concerns, because it was observed that many travelers are unaware of the practices that can land them in trouble in Dubai. Men are advised to be vigilant when visiting places like hotels, restaurants and others.

It is important to know that there are some things that are not accepted in Dubai. Men who have the habits of drinking alcohol, holding a lady’s hand, kissing in public etc are more vulnerable be punished by the local authority as well. In the UAE, these things are considered as taboo and if you do them you should know that you are on your own. It is good for you to help yourself deceased from any activities that would bring security concern for your stay in Dubai. A British man was attack by some people for eating in public during the Ramadan period, and was also fined by the authority despite not been a Muslim. Therefore, as a foreigner all these instances need to be taking into note when visiting Dubai. You should know about the dos and don’ts of the land so that you don’t fall into a victim of any security challenges.

Conclusion on safety in Dubai

Knowing about the dos and don’ts while living in Dubai is very essential in maintaining safety in your stay in the city. It is observed that most of the security challenges in Dubai came as a result of the inability to abide by the rules and guidelines of the land. Do all you can to see that you develop a good relationship with the people as a foreigner in Dubai, also be vigilant in your day to day activities.


So what do you think ? Was Dubai a safe destination for you ? 

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