Sunday , February 9 2025

How To Call Someone From Their Own Number

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Hi.. In my previous spoofing post, I wrote about Call Someone From Their Own Number

\**NOTE: This trick is only for a prank, Neither techdeft, nor any of the writers will be responsible for a prank any such unintentional thing you perform. It’s on your own risks. For more visit our  disclaimer**//

You can call someone from their own number or by some other number like +10000000000, or +919999999999 by following this simple trick:-

Learn How to call someone with their own number.. Click To Tweet

Firstly you need to download voxox app it is available for android, PC and apple. (I will demonstrate in windows PC)

Now download and install the app in windows

Once you install the app you need to register the app. Its free, don’t worry

Enter your email id, name, password and mobile number.

You are all set to go, now just verify your mobile number.

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Once you verify your number you will get 1$ free to try the app.

Check the arrow on the right hand Conner and select your number

How To Call Someone From Their Own Number

Now in the same menu navigate to My caller id ( It’s the thing we were searching for)How to call someone from their own number

Change the number to whatever number you wish, this number will be displayed to your friend

Now press the call button, firstly you will receive a call on your phone and then it will be redirected   to a your friends number…

How To Call Someone From Their Own Number


Just enjoy this trick..

Our intension is never to push anyone in trouble, we are just illustrating how easily caller id spoofing can be done. It should be prohibited by government by taking certain actions. Else it will become more difficult to trace the culprit. Of cause not on a local level.  If you think I rocked then share, like comment and subscribe to your newsletter.

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