Saturday , July 27 2024

How to Reset Microsoft Outlook 2007 Settings to Default by rafomac

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How To Restore Outlook views, toolbars, menus or settings.

To restore Outlook views, toolbars, menus or settings, you need to reset the content of the OUTCMD.DAT file.

  1. Exit Outlook.
  2. Locate the “OUTCMD.DAT” file.
  3. If you are running Windows XP and you installed Outlook on its default path, you can find the file in “C:Documents and Settings-USER-Application DataMicrosoftOutlook”, where “-USER-” if the name of your Windows login account. If not, search your local disk for the filename.
  4. Rename the “OUTCMD.DAT” file to a different filename.
  5. Restart Outlook.

Once restarted, Outlook should restore the default OUTCMD.DAT file from scratch and you should be able to use Outlook with its default view settings.

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