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This ‘effective power’ text will make your friend’s iPhone crash if you send it to them – here’s how to protect your own phone
Apple have warned about the ‘effective. Power’ text, which causes your phone to shut down, and has advised on how to safeguard against it
This is a surefire way to annoy all your friends- a bug in the Apple operating system means that if you send this text to your friends, it will reset their phone.
The string of characters are really specific, but if you copy and paste it into a text, it will turn their phone off.
Only the people who know the characters will be able to send it to their friends, and once they do, the phone will crash.
It only works if you send it to someone who also has an iPhone. It won’t work if you or the recipient has a Windows or Android phone.
People on Twitter have found the prank funny and are using it to bug their friends.
effective. Power ?????????????????? ? ?h ? ? ? Send that to someone with an iPhone it turns their phone off @_ernestoraul
— Santos Enrique (@santosmedina97)
May 27, 2015
effective. Power ?????????????????? ? ?h ? ? ? No one man should have all this power.
— Ri (@RiSay88)
May 27, 2015
When ur mom telling u to get home from the party effective. Power ?????????????????? ? ?h ? ? ?
— Larissa Morgan (@larissamorg4n)
May 27, 2015
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when my girl is on her phone but not texting me back effective. Power ?????????????????? ? ?h ? ? ?
— . (@thedopeusername)
May 27, 2015
This is destroying people and relationships effective. Power ?????????????????? ? ?h ? ? ?
— Yellow Squash (@JacobMasse)
May 27, 2015
teacher: put your phone down and work on your review sheet me: effective. Power ?????????????????? ? ?h ? ? ?
— yani (@lightsyeez)
May 27, 2015
It’s already becoming something of a Twitter sensation, with jokes being based around it and people recounting the fun they’ve had playing pranks on their friends.
It is a very annoying thing to happen. Here’s how to safeguard your phone from it
You don’t want your phone shutting off at the behest of your cheeky friends.
Until Apple finds a fix, the only way to avoid it is to turn off Message notifications.
- Go to settings
- Click on Notifications
- Click on Messages
- Then slide across the button that says ‘Allow Notifications’ until it is no longer green.
• Apple iPhone: a history in pictures