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How to turn on/off Wireless in various Laptop Models by rafomac
Acer Extensa 2000/2500 Series — Far right launch button above the keyboard
Acer Travelmate C Series —Far left hot key and then choose WLAN from menu that appears
Acer Aspire 1000 Series –Launch Keys above the keyboard
Acer Aspire 1640Z —- Launch Keys above the keyboard
Acer Aspire 1690 —- Launch Keys above the keyboard
Acer Aspire 2000 Series —- Button on the front of the laptop
Acer Aspire 2012 —- Launch Keys above the keyboard
Acer Ferrari 3000 —- Button on the front of the laptop
Acer Ferrari 3020 —- Button on the front of the laptop
Acer Ferrari 3400 —- Button on the front of the laptop
Acer Ferrari 4000 —- Button on the front of the laptop
Advent 7086 —- Button next to the power button
Advent 7096 —- Button next to the power button
Advent 7100 —- Fn / F2
Advent 7104 —- Fn / F2
Advent 7201 —- wireless key top right and then Fn / F2
Advent 8117 —- small slide switch on the front of laptop
Asus —- Fn / F2 (some models may have a switch)
BenQ Joybook 5000u-d09 —- Fn / F12
Compaq Armada Services —- Not Wireless
Compact presario —- Button on the back
Compact presario M2000 —- Button above the keyboard (antenna icon on button)
Dell Inspiron series —- Fn / F2
Dell Inspiron 500M —- Fn / F2
Dell Inspiron 600M —- Fn / F2
Dell Inspiron 1510 —- Fn / F2
Dell Inspiron 5100 —- NOT WIRELESS
Dell Inspiron 6000 —- Fn / F2
Dell Inspiron 8600 —- Fn / F2
Dell Inspiron 9300 —- Fn / F2
Dell Latitude D400 —- Fn / F2
Dell Latitude D500 —- Fn / F2
Dell Latitude D600 —- Fn / F2
Dell Latitude D610 —- Fn / F2
Dell Latitude D620 —- Fn / F2
Dell Latitude D800 —- Fn / F2
Dell Latitude X300 —- Fn / F2
Dell Vostro 1500 —- big button on left side at rear no FN combo to activate
e-machines M series —- Fn / F2
E-System 3115 —- Slide switch on front of laptop Also has Fn / F5 function
Fujitsu Siemens Amilo A Series —- Button above the keyboard on top right
Fujitsu Siemens Amilo D Series —- Button above the keyboard on top right
Fujitsu Siemens Amilo K Series —- Not Wireless
Fujitsu Siemens Amilo L/EL Series —- Fn / F1 to turn on/off
Fujitsu Siemens Amilo La Series —- Fn / F2 to turn on / off
Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Li Series —- Easy launch button (one of 3) on top of keyboard
Gateway Laptop —- Switch on side and then Fn / F2
HP nc4000 —- Button above keyboard
HP nc4010 —- Button above keyboard
HP nc4220 —- Button on left next to USB port
HP nc6000 —- Button above keyboard
HP nc6220 —- Button above keyboard
HP nx9010 —- Button on front
HP omnibook 6200 —- Button on the left
IBM T43 —- Fn / F5
IBM X32 —- Fn / F5
Lenevo —- button on the front
Medion —- Fn / F1
Packard Bell EasyNote E2 —- Fn / F1
packard bell: easy-note MV46/008 —- Fn / F1 to turn on/off
packard bell MZ36-U024 —- Fn / F2 to activate
Sharp Laptops —- Fn / F2 to activate
Sony Viao —– Button on the front or right hand side or slide switch
Sony VAIO VGN-AX570G —- Front left button
Targa Companion 811 —- Fn / F2
Toshiba Eqium Series —- Slide switch on front of laptop
Toshiba LibrettoSeries —- Slide switch on Left hand side
Toshiba M1 —- Switch on left towards front
Toshiba M2 —- Switch on left towards front
Toshiba Portege Series —- Slide switch on the left hand side
Toshiba Qosmio Series —- Slide switch on the left hand side
Toshiba Quantium Series —- Slide switch on the left hand side
Toshiba R100 —- Switch on right hand side
Toshiba Satego Series —– Slide Switch on the right hand side
Toshiba Satelitte —- On the Front under lip then Fn / F8
Toshiba Satellite Pro —- On the Side or front
Toshiba Tecra 2100 —- Switch on left
Toshiba TE2000 —- Switch on left
Dell D600 & D610—–KeyBoard—–Fn+F2
HP nc4000 & nc4010—–Button—–Above Keyboard
HP nc4220—–Button—–Left Side of Laptop Near USB Port
HP nc6000 & nc6220—–Button—–Above Keyboard
HP nx9010—–Button—–Front side of laptop
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HP Omnibook 6200—–Button—–Left side of laptop
IBM T43—–Keyboard combination—–Fn + F5—–Click “Turn On”
IBM X32—–Keyboard combination—–Fn + F5—–Click “Turn On”
Toshiba M1 & M2—–Switch—–Left side of laptop—–Towards
Toshiba R100—–Switch—–Right side of laptop
Toshiba TE2000—–Switch—–Left side of laptop—–By Vol ctrl
Toshiba Tecra 2100—–Switch—–Left side of laptop—–By Vol ctrl