Friday , February 14 2025

What to Do if Your MacBook Air won’t Turn on (SOLVED)

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When users plug their MacBook Air into the MagSafe power adapter and power it on, nothing happens. It responding to the power adapter. I mean light turned from green to orange. But won’t turn on.

Reported Devices: MacBook Air 2013, 2014, mid-2012, 2010

Solution 1:-

Keep the MacBook Air lid little bit/slightly open. Firm grip and shake it.
Then press the start/power button. This will set the Sudden motion sensor – SMS  and solve your problem.

Solution 2:-

Do the SMC reset. Press and hold  Shift + Control+ Option+ Power buttons. Release the keys at the same time. Then turn on your Mac.

Solution 3:-

If your any MacBook Air have any safety case, take MacBook Air out of the case and try again.

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Solution 4:- (One user suggested this method. Try with your own risk)

  1. Take the bottom off and try to turn it on.
  2. If you see the fan kind of twitching? Then stuck your finger in and give the fan a bit of a flick.
  3. If it started spinning normally and check the issue.

Solution 5:-

Reset the PRAM.This solved Most of the MacBook Air’s (which have a black screen with bootup chiming and fan running loudly) issue.

Solution 6:-

Press the Power button and attach your mobile through data cable. If your mobile start charging, then your problem might be solved.

Solution 7:-

If you can’t turn on your MacBook Air or power adapter light turned from orange to green, check your device warranty status. If its cover under warranty, take it to Apple service centre.

If your problem not solved yet, do let us via comment.

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