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Earlier this decade, a new craze began to take over the World Wide Web: computaodores are the fotologs. Based on the same technology that empulsionou the blogs, a type of paper or personal diary directly controlled by the user.
The fotologs follow the same proposal, but in them the main focus are the pictures. The system was successful all over the world — especially among teenagers addicted to their digital cameras — and won many variations.
Most of the fotologs are developed for amateur users and don’t have advanced tools, but Flickr doesn’t. The site holds one of the most intelligent current web interfaces, with possibility of content editing through any page, plus many other amazing technologies.
These tools more advanced — and available free of charge with a limit of 200 photos per user — professional and amateur photographers took the plunge on Flickr and refuse any Web site.
Flickr Uploadr is an official tool Flickr created so that your users will have greater convenience to insert photos on the site. With Flickr Uploadr, you do not need to resize your images or decrease the size of the files.
The program allows you to do bulk uploads, selecting a large amount of images and inserting them automatically. As the site is aimed at a more mature audience in terms of photographic technique and that seeks to constantly create photo studies with sequences of pictures, Flickr offers a kind of photo album.
These albums typically follow a particular theme, such as a photo shoot with a certain model or different photos of the same landscape or region. Using the Flickr Uploadr, you can create these albums quickly and enter keywords for her album, as well as for each of the pictures on it.
The software also resizes your photos so that they don’t take too long to load. So, transforms ultra-high resolution photos — such as those taken by professional or semi-professional machines geared to printing — in resolution for Internet. What does not diminish the quality of the images, since the monitor the difference is imperceptible to human eyes.
This tool is essential to any Flickr user and, if you like to constantly update their images, the obligation to install such software on your computer. Decrease the time to upload and have more time to do what you love most: shoot!
The fotologs follow the same proposal, but in them the main focus are the pictures. The system was successful all over the world — especially among teenagers addicted to their digital cameras — and won many variations.
Most of the fotologs are developed for amateur users and don’t have advanced tools, but Flickr doesn’t. The site holds one of the most intelligent current web interfaces, with possibility of content editing through any page, plus many other amazing technologies.
These tools more advanced — and available free of charge with a limit of 200 photos per user — professional and amateur photographers took the plunge on Flickr and refuse any Web site.
Flickr Uploadr is an official tool Flickr created so that your users will have greater convenience to insert photos on the site. With Flickr Uploadr, you do not need to resize your images or decrease the size of the files.
The program allows you to do bulk uploads, selecting a large amount of images and inserting them automatically. As the site is aimed at a more mature audience in terms of photographic technique and that seeks to constantly create photo studies with sequences of pictures, Flickr offers a kind of photo album.
These albums typically follow a particular theme, such as a photo shoot with a certain model or different photos of the same landscape or region. Using the Flickr Uploadr, you can create these albums quickly and enter keywords for her album, as well as for each of the pictures on it.
The software also resizes your photos so that they don’t take too long to load. So, transforms ultra-high resolution photos — such as those taken by professional or semi-professional machines geared to printing — in resolution for Internet. What does not diminish the quality of the images, since the monitor the difference is imperceptible to human eyes.
This tool is essential to any Flickr user and, if you like to constantly update their images, the obligation to install such software on your computer. Decrease the time to upload and have more time to do what you love most: shoot!
Just download this application for iPhone and Android Mobiles
This software mainly intent to store photos
You can use some alternatives like Google Photos that giving Unlimited storage option for free.
Just download from following download button