Friday , February 14 2025

How is Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) Different than Adsense

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I do hope that you all know about Google Adsense program.

If you do know then Yahoo Publisher Network or simply YPN is just like it.Yahoo Publisher Network is an alternative to Google Adsense program.

But does it really an alternative? Could it ever replace the Adsense program?

Well! You as a publisher have to make decision. To make it easier for you let us compare YPN with Adsense on various ground.

We will compare and see how YPN is different from Google Adsense for different factors.

yahoo publisher network

Then you could make an easy decision which one is good for you. So let’s go ahead.

Who All Can Join

Well Adsense is a global program and anyone could join this program irrespective of his or her nationality. However YPN is for publishers from USA only.

Support for Various Languages

Again, Adsense program gives flexibility and publishers from different part of the world can participate. However, YPN supports only English language and that is the limitation.

Text Ad Formats

Almost all the ad formats of YPN is taken from Adsense. However, in YPN there is a 125 X 125 button ad which is new and not there in Adsense.

Banner Ad Format

As you know both YPN and Google Adsense had change their banner ad format. I think earlier format was good enough. But YPN and Adsense have same banner ad format.

Number of Image Ad Formats

You will be surprised to know that YPN does not support image ad format. On the other hand Google has at least 8 image ad format.

Link Ads

Now comes the link ads. As you know, in link ads you do not get paid for clicking. In YPN there are no link ads as in Adsense.

Adsense for Search

Again YPN does not have search based ads. Google Adsense has this facility. This is yet another limitation of YPN.

Ad Fonts and Size

Adsense supports Arial, Times, Verdana fonts however there is no such support in YPN. Moreover, both do not support font size for a normal publisher.

Alternate ad URL

Google Adsense supports alternate ad URL however YPN do not.

Program Ad Targeting

You should get most appropriate ads according to the content of your website. Adsense ads are much targeted but YPN has some real issues.

Ad Targeting Speed for a New Page

For Adsense it is only 5 minutes to take a new change. However, YPN is inconsistent. Sometimes so fast sometimes it takes time.

Publisher Ad Targeting

It really works for Adsense but it is poor for YPN as it supports 20 board categories.

Preview for Ads

Google allows you to review ads but YPN do not.

URL Blocking

You could block or filter at least 500 URLs in Adsense however in YPN you could do only 200 URLs.

Blocking Ads by Category

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Yes this feature is available in Adsense but not in YPN. This is another limitation of YPN.

Blocking Ads by CPM

For CPM you could block ads in Adsense but not for YPN.

Online Help for Publishers

Google Adsense program has dedicated team for helping publishers. They are ready to help you anytime. In YPN they do support but difficult to find it.

Self Clicking on Ads

If you click your own ads then Google is going to terminate your account. Google is very strict about it. On other hand, YPN only filters those clicks but do not impose any penalty.

CTR Rate

CTR or click through rate of YPN is very low compared to Adsense program. YPN CTR is 1/10 which is very low as Adsense has 4% to 5%.


CPC of YPN is 5 to 10 cents at best however Adsense CPC is up to $2 and that is the huge difference.

Number of Tracking Channels

In Google Adsense it is 500 channels and in YPN only 200. That is the big difference.

Channel Management

Both of them allow deactivating channels but you delete it YPN.

Frequency for Statistics Updating

Adsense updates statistics related to your account in every 10 minutes and it is real time. YPN takes at least half an hour.

Channel Data Update Frequency

As far as updating channel data is concern Adsense is real time but YPN will do in next morning.


Reporting of Adsense is very elaborate and tactically. You could get every piece of information in the report. However, YPN do not produce any advance report.

Balance Transfer

This is quite an interesting point. In YPN you can transfer balance account YPN to YSM account. But in Adsense you cannot transfer Adsense account to Adwords account.

Contact for Information

Again here YPN offers telephone support. You can call and ask if you’ve any doubt. However, Adsense doesn’t support telephone service.

Email Address

Google supports email and YPN does not. Quite ironical.

Confidence of Publishers

Here Google is the boss. Still by far publishers around the world and USA prefer Adsense program over YPN. So publishers have more confidence in Adsense than YPN.

Awareness and Popularity

Google Adsense is not only popular in USA but around the world. Today blogger and publishers are aware about Google Adsense. Every new publisher joining in would like to choose Adsense over YPN.


Without any doubt Google has more authority over YPN. It dominates over all other programs on the Internet.


Finally in conclusion I would say Google Adsense is the King. No one can beat it as it dominates the contextual advertising.

With above comparison you can easily make out that the Adsense program is better than YPN in all aspects.

That is the reason why most of the publishers in USA choose Adsense over YPN. The most important factor is CTR and CPC and both are high in Adsense therefore you generate more income.

Secondly, publishers outside USA cannot think of YPN so YPN limits itself.

I think it is very clear that you should go for Adsense and I do not recommend you for YPN. So as new publisher you should learn more about Adsense.

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