Thursday , January 16 2025

Is Affiliate Marketing That Hard? A Success Plan for Affiliate Marketers

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Affiliate marketing consists of advertising and marketing products and it’s a fast and straightforward method to set up an online biz. As a web marketer, you must cognize the plus points of affiliate marketing. You will discover a variety of e-books or services obtainable that explicates what affiliate marketing is and how trouble-free it is to start.

Affiliate marketing is helpful to your business in many ways. It can be greatly beneficial for both the merchandisers as well as web marketers. It can be the most inexpensive business online, which has the prospective to earn lots of money. Affiliate marketing is really of great help.

But there is a bitter truth about affiliate marketing!

    • More than 95% people fail to make a living out of affiliate marketing.
    • More than 90% people never make a single penny in affiliate marketing.
    • 99% of the products written on affiliate marketing secrets never work

So stop buying any product on affiliate marketing & follow this success plan in affiliate marketing-


Success Plan for Affiliate Marketer

If you are looking for a real success in affiliate marketing then here is the 6 steps plan for you & it works 100%.

Create a Micro Niche Site

Most of the affiliate marketers who make money in affiliate marketing is through micro niche websites. It means you should create a website that focuses on a very specific product.

There are 2 advantages of this-

  • Google loves micro niche site & so you get more traffic.
  • People will treat your website as an expert site in this particular topic & so more sales

Its highly recommended that you create an EMD (exact match domain) site. Although there was an update for EMD from Google but it was for low quality sites & I will advise you to provide the quality to your site.

Target the right niche

There are 2 types of searches on Google. One is informational search & other one is buyers search. E.g.

  • Someone searching meaning of something, celebrity news, politics news, finding an answer etc. comes in informational search
  • Review of some products, comparison between 2 products, finding cheap or best option etc. comes in buyer’s search.

Your niche should be related to buyer’s search.

Target the right niche

This is one of the mistakes most of the people do because they don’t target the right people. Brining any type of traffic will not make you money as your earnings depend on sales.

So you need to do proper & quality SEO for your site. Your content should be genuine & valuable to the visitors so that they have more trust on your site & they can recommend others.

Start with a single product promotion

A beginner would need to learn many things about affiliate marketing which has not been taught in school. Thus, you must have patience till you learn the techniques completely.

You must start with a single product promotion initially. All your efforts will be concentrated in a single place of focus. You will find many successful marketers who have taken several months to get the first scale as they are in a learning process.

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But, once they are successful in accumulating proper knowledge, they can easily make good sales.

Don’t wait for perfection

You may find many internet marketers who fail to get a dollar online through affiliate marketing. It is because they take a long time to get the first affiliate site. In the process of choosing perfect website, they lose dollars. Even after choosing the perfect website after a long time, they think as if the work associated with the website is too much. Thus, they give up. If you too haunt for extra perfection, you might lose. You must choose one website quickly and start promoting for it.

Don’t expect easy schedule

You might find various marketing online job source saying “ as lot of money with easy and little work.” This is the biggest lie. But, if you have a big list and can promote one product to the list, it is quite easy to earn thousands of dollars. But, this is very rare for a novice. Beginner need to work really hard in the beginning stage. If you are lazy, profit making through affiliate marketing technique will be impossible.

Follow these rules

Are you interested in getting success with affiliate marketing? There are many such affiliate marketing rules which must be followed. Success means making money online in a true sense. You may find various pitfalls in the way, but avoiding such pitfalls can be possible with the help of guideline.

Affiliate marketing is a business relationship where an individual is paid to refer people to a website. The vendor may deal with a variety of products and services. With your help, vendors are benefited to make huge sales faster. They don’t need to go for banners or posters. Just with reference of affiliates, selling gets boost up. In exchange, affiliates marketer gets commission for their job. The biggest advantage of affiliate marketing is the fact that, you get paid for referring even if the sales have not materialized.

Success checklist

Choose a product or service to market

You must choose a product or service online and make a decision about marketing it online. People have a tendency to look at commission rate as well as demand. But, if you really wish to learn and gather knowledge while earning, Clickbank or commission junction will be a good way to start for the products.

Choose a hosting company

You must pick up a hosting company with uptime percentage. You must consider the hosting as a plot or a land and assume internet as your home. The most important part of successful affiliate marketing is picking up a hosting company with reliability. Website is directly proportional to the hosting company. If your hosting company is down, the website will be affected.

One of my natural choice is Hostgator. If you take Hostgator baby plan, you can host unlimited domains. You can use this link to get discount. You need to use the discount code as MULTILINE25OFF to get 25% discount.

Custom URL

It is good to choose a shorter affiliate URL that will help people to remember. If you have chosen a longer URL, replace the same with the shorter variation. Vendor will give you a long URL which will also cause losing money; you can easily choose a new custom domain. Then forward the custom domain to the affiliate URL.

If you are building your website on WordPress, you can use plugins like Pretty Link. It will not only help you to shorten your affiliate link but you can also organize all your affiliate links well & track the clicks from any place like email, Twitter etc.

Creating of plan

You must ask yourself few questions about advertising and affiliate marketing. How much do you want to earn with your efforts in affiliate marketing? What sum of money do you intend to spend on advertising? You can easily generate free traffic or simply buy.

Real Affiliate marketing secrets

Strategies behind success in affiliate marketing can vary from one individual to another. You cannot find this in software codes, video coaching and even e books. Some people get the real secret through the common sense. But, desires and imaginative mind of most people does not let them realize.


You may find a simple difference between the long term beginners and professional successful affiliate. Dedication will be missing in the dreamers. Someone dedicated in achieving a goal need to put forth his hard work. You must have determination and patience to stick with the affiliate marketing activity till you achieve good payout.

You must stay focused to your objective even after much hardship on your way. Staying focused is a success tool for every affiliate marketers from beginning till end. If you have taken up a project, do not go for other projects keeping the first one incomplete in the middle. Starting with many websites in the beginning and stopping in the middle will give nothing to the affiliates except discouragement.

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