Friday , February 14 2025

Quick Fix of This Video Is Not Available In Your Country Error

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So guys, We Dreamy Tricks is sharing quick fix of this video is not available in your country error. Whenever any video which is restricted by video uploader, this error pop ups. So, to fix this error you need to follow some methods which we are listing below. Recently, We have also shared some of the best sports streaming sites which you must check out.

Actually, YouTube has some restrictions on videos for different countries due to some political issues or it can be other factor as well. Don’t worry as methods to unlock these videos is quite easy. Let’s move on You should also look top best torrent sites 2016.

this video is not available in your country fix

Reasons behind this error:

This error can occur due to many reasons like:

  • The uploader of video has not made video for your country and applied some restrictions to the video.
  • Sometimes YouTube block some videos for some country due to some issues.

Also see: Sites to watch cartoons online for free

How to fix This Video is not available in your country:

#1 Using VPN:

It is easiest method to fix this error yet most effective as well. Its quite easy to use this method. Just follow below guide. In below guide, We are using PD Proxy VPN, but you can use any VPN of your choice (Make sure to select best one with high speed servers).

  1. First of all, Download PD Proxy and get premium account of PD Proxy from here.
  2. After that, Simply Select any server and Click on Connect. (Select server based on country in which video is available).
  3. Just, Visit that video page and Enjoy the video now.

You may also like: Youtube trick to get lots of youtube comment

#2 Unblock YouTube restricted Videos using simple trick:

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This is one of easiest method to unblock any Youtube Videos of your country. Just follow below methods:

  • First of all, Open any video which is blocked in your country.
  • Now, You have to do some modifications in the URL of the Youtube Video.
  • Simply, replace /watch?v= with /v/.
  • Now, Open this URL and enjoy the unblocked youtube video which is blocked in your country.

You may also like best sites to watch movies online.

#3 Unable to unblock any video? Simply, Download it then

This method is last working method to unblock blocked youtube videos of your country. If you are unable to watch any video online, then last option is to download it simply.

  1. First of all, Open Dirpy.
  2. Simply, Enter video URL there which you want download.
  3. After pasting URL of video, Click on dirpy!
  4. Now, Simply click on Record Video.

Tip: Do not forget to use IDM to download your video faster. Also check out how to increase internet download speed.

#4. Quick fix using proxies

Here comes one of the quickest fix of this error. As, I had already told that video uploader sometime restricts a video to specific country. So, using Youtube Proxies of that country, you can easily access that videos for free. This method is too much similar to VPN method, but in this method there is no need to install any additional software of VPN.

  • Just use, YouTube proxies in any browser (Firefox is recommended).
  • You can get youtube proxies from our site as well from free proxies list page.

Wrapping it up:

So, it was all about working method to fix this video is not available in your country error. If you are facing any issues in unblocking any youtube videos, then feel free to comment below. You can bookmark this page to get future updates.


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