Saturday , July 27 2024

Turn Your pc on in 10 seconds

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Aight so u wanna know how to turn the pc on in 10 seconds Aight heres what u have to do to turn ur pc on in 10 seconds

Aite Click on the start button then press R it will take u to Run well go to run
n type Regedit
press enter
this will open Registery Editor
now look for the key

HKEY_LOACAL_MECHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetContr olContentIndex

now there find the Key Called
“Startup Delay”
Double Click On It
Now where its Base
Click Decimal
Now its Default Value Is 4800000
Change The Value To 40000
here u go u have done it
now close the Registery Editor and Restart Your Computer
You’ll See The Result

hope you can use this!

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