Thursday , January 16 2025

Unlimited downloads using Rapidshare

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Unlimited downloads using rapidshare.this is only working with DSL.


After a few downloads rapidshare will say you’ve downloaded too much in less than a certain amount of time.
By doing the following directions everytime it says you’ve reached your limit for the time being you can do the steps and it erases it all. Then you can proceed with downloading more and more files unlimited.
Do these steps everytime needed, enjoy!

1) Delete all your cookies (tools, internet options etc in IE)

2) click start, run and type ‘cmd’

3) Type the following and push enter when instructed: * ipconfig /flushdns (Press Enter) * ipconfig /release (Press Enter) * ipconfig /renew (Press Enter) * exit (Press Enter)


this is only working with DSL.

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